Training and Consultation Group
Groups are 8 weekly 90-minute sessions and can have up to 5 trainees. Each group will dedicate time to both didactic, case consultation, and skills practice. Drs. Krohner and Tankha lead all of the groups. All sessions are held virtually.
In this module, we will cover pain neuroscience education and conducting the initial assessment for treatment fit
Gain knowledge of relevant research findings on neuroplastic pain
Develop skills in conducting an initial assessment for neuroplastic pain
In this module we will illustrate the critical role of psychoeducation about chronic pain in beginning EAET with patients. We will also address potential challenges in alliance-building or patient buy-in.
1. Understand the utility of psychoeducation in the early stages of treatment.
2. Gain skills in providing psychoeducation about chronic pain and in addressing common challenges in alliance-building.
In this module, we will present the theoretical underpinnings of pain reappraisal techniques and outline clinical application. There will be time allotted for practice in the group.
gain an understanding of the conceptual model and empirical evidence for pain reappraisal strategies
gain competence in utilizing pain reappraisal techniques
In this module, we will discuss somatic tracking as a clinical tool that can guide clinician intervention. We will introduce conceptual models derived from other therapeutic modalities (e.g. intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy) to ground our presentation. Trainees will learn to recognize somatic indicators of affect, anxiety, and defense mechanisms. Time will be allotted for modeling and practicing somatic tracking.
This module will begin a deep dive into affect exposure work, including the theoretical basis and research evidence for the benefits of affect exposure for chronic pain conditions. Trainees will begin learning how to formulate their cases from an affect exposure framework.
In this module, trainees will be offered affect exposure strategies, including in vivo and imaginal exposure tools that target affect from current and past interpersonal experiences. This module takes a trauma-informed and trauma-focused lens so that trainees learn how to balance patients’ need for safety in sessions with healthy discomfort that promotes growth and healing. Time will be allotted for modeling and practice.
This module will focus on tracking and managing anxiety during affect exposure. Trainees will learn how to apply somatic tracking and other tools to identify the patient’s window of tolerance and intervention targets from moment to moment during affect exposures.
learn how to tailor affect exposures to patient’s window of tolerance for anxiety.
This final session will be discussion based. Trainees will be encouraged to reflect on their learning and growth during the course. Trainers will elicit feedback about the course.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the prerequisites for registration?
As we offer advanced training in EAET, we require that trainees complete the introductory EAET training with Drs. Mark Lumley and Howard Schubiner prior to participating in our training and consultation group. Additionally, given our areas of competence, we only accept mental health practitioners for group or individual consultations. We will accept licensed practitioners with any advanced degree.
Will this course provide hands-on practice or demonstrations of EAET techniques?
Yes! Our primary goal is for you to walk away from this training feeling confident in your ability to incorporate these techniques into your clinical practice. Our groups and individual consultations will always provide demonstrations (live or pre-recorded) and time for practicing new skills.
Do I have to commit to 8 weeks if I sign up for the group?
We will only accept registrants for all 8 weeks of the group training and consultation. If you do register for the group training, we recommend that you attend all 8 weeks of the course to get the most out of it. We recognize that is a substantial commitment of time and resources, and therefore offer a second option of individual consultation that can be a one-time consultation or ongoing, depending on your needs.
What resources or materials will participants receive during the course?
All participants will receive our EAET training manual that includes guidance for sessions and patient homework. The manual also includes sections that cover general principles in EAET that may be helpful in guiding you throughout treatment.